Thursday, July 28, 2011

just another day in paradise...

The last two weeks have been pretty full on.  I have been moving into my new apartment, my purse, keys, phone and camera were all stolen from my desk, and yesterday I ran out of gas. 

The move went fairly smoothly - with alittle help, I was able to hire movers to get all the big stuff (and since I moved to a 3rd floor apartment - this was HUGE).  My purse being stolen was more of a pain than anything else.  And as my luck would have it - I ran out of gas in the Taco Bell drive thru...things could have been worse. The worst part was that after walking to the gas station and a nearby Goodyear, I didn't get my Taco Bell.  I decided I should probably go back today and make things right ;) 

Yesterday, we had a photographer come in and take everyone's headshots for the website.  I don't think mine will be on the website, but I got to get one made anyways.  Turned out pretty good! I have to admit though - there is alittle airbrushing going on.

With everything that's been going on, I haven't had much time to work on my patio furniture.  I'm hoping this weekend I'll be able to make some progress. 

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