Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greenville Rally Run

This past weekend I was in Greenville, SC helping out with a 5K for the Rally Foundation.  There was a team there that was dressed up as Star Wars characters.  They even had a life size Goldie robot that moved and made sounds.  I made the mistake of calling it R2D2, and got schooled on Star Wars trivia by one of the kids there.  Here is a picture of me and Goldie.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

lunchtime discovery!

I decided to go for a walk in Piedmont Park today at lunch.  The park is only about a block from my work, but I've never been in.  I was very impressed - it's huge and perfectly landscaped, and there is a really beautiful lake with a path around it and lots of shaded swings and benches!  lovely

My building is the small white one on the right. 
Can't wait till fall is here - it's going to be beautiful!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

need some trip ideas!

I will be flying out to Truckee the Thursday before Labor Day (9/1), staying there for 4 days, and leaving on Tuesday with Emma to drive back to the east coast! So far the itinerary is alittle vague, but I know we will be taking Interstate 80 to Vinton, Iowa where we will stay with Susu on Thursday (9/8) and in Chicago on Friday (9/9).  Then I guess we will get to Interstate 75 as quick as possible and get back down to Atlanta...hopefully late afternoon/early evening on Sunday.  The trip isn't the most direct route, but I'd really love to make it to Vinton, and we're excited about Chicago - it's looking something like this:

Thursday 9/1-Monday 9/5 - TRUCKEE TIME
Tuesday 9/6 - Truckee, CA > Salt Lake City, Utah
Wednesday 9/7 - Salt Lake City > Nebraska (somewhere near Sidney or North Platte)
Thursday 9/8 - Nebraska > Vinton, Iowa
Friday 9/9 - Vinton, Iowa > Chicago (hopefully get here early in the day - only about 4 hours from Vinton)
                    *splurge $60 on a kayak tour in Chicago - Click here to see the tour!                       
Saturday 9/10 - Somewhere between Chicago and Atlanta (maybe Louisville, KY)
Sunday 9/11 - Back in Atlanta

So there it is!  If anybody has suggestions for stops along the way, or things to do in Chicago, email me and let me know!