Thursday, July 28, 2011

just another day in paradise...

The last two weeks have been pretty full on.  I have been moving into my new apartment, my purse, keys, phone and camera were all stolen from my desk, and yesterday I ran out of gas. 

The move went fairly smoothly - with alittle help, I was able to hire movers to get all the big stuff (and since I moved to a 3rd floor apartment - this was HUGE).  My purse being stolen was more of a pain than anything else.  And as my luck would have it - I ran out of gas in the Taco Bell drive thru...things could have been worse. The worst part was that after walking to the gas station and a nearby Goodyear, I didn't get my Taco Bell.  I decided I should probably go back today and make things right ;) 

Yesterday, we had a photographer come in and take everyone's headshots for the website.  I don't think mine will be on the website, but I got to get one made anyways.  Turned out pretty good! I have to admit though - there is alittle airbrushing going on.

With everything that's been going on, I haven't had much time to work on my patio furniture.  I'm hoping this weekend I'll be able to make some progress. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

let's just pretend it hasn't been two and half months...

Here is my most recent project.  I lost the "before" pictures, but it involved chemical paint stripper, about 20 pages of sandpaper, three cans of mineral spirits (mostly used to clean myself off), 2 coats of primer, two coats of paint, and a polycryllic top coat for easy clean up on the top of the table.  I'm so glad to be done.  I bought the table and two chairs off of craigslist for $35 and found the other two chairs at goodwill.  I'd say I got a pretty good deal, and am really proud of how it turned out!

You can't tell but the chairs and legs are actually a really light green and the top is a bright white!

Here is my next project - outdoor furniture for our balcony, a bench and two chairs.